Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jemison Memories

Video of the abandoned Jemison Institute in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. For a little background on the building, it was abandoned 40+ years ago after reports of experimental treatments and torture of patients. With this video I wanted to capture some of that feeling of paranoia and instability. We used a lot of rack focusing, pans, and quick edits to hopefully convey that sort of feeling and some close shots to try and give a "confined" feel. I also used a lot of dissonant music and sounds to try and enhance the feeling. I never really wanted to give a sense of "comfort" throughout the video, but a sense of unease and disquiet.


  1. What is neat is that it almost seems to be in black and white--because of the sharp contrasts between light and dark. Because it's shot inside a building, you know you are going to have areas with no sunlight, but you found spots that had that hint of light to relay depth that seemed to contrive an outline around the void areas.

    Really really like that rack focus with the bricks--have never seen that effect before (the bricks seem to ripple off the wall).

  2. the depth of field shots were incredible ......and it was scary as hell!!

  3. this place looks fit to film a horror movie. nice music, location, and racking of focus. really gave it a haunted feel. some really good shots.

  4. I really enjoyed how you took us through the building. Beginning with the outside ediface and then into the rooms and back outside, etc. You also used your music/sound effects well, and the dripping water (which normally I wouldnt find eerie) is entirely creepy. So good job, and I like the ending

  5. I really thought that Old Bryce could only be scary at night or when you had a bunch of friends trying to spook you. However, this was really unsettling. I loved the close ups of the dripping water. I also liked the use of the over exposure of the light through the windows that made everything else inside go dark. I generally do not like anything really 'spooky', but this was all very subtle and the outline of the person moving in the background was a really nice touch! Nothing was jumping out at me or screaming, you really let the place speak for itself.

  6. Good music choice and sound effects, especially since we weren't able to capture any audio. the end made me jump, and I think that credit was due to the music choice and other affects. good selection of shots.

  7. The zooms combined with racking of focus really made this feel very creepy. When you add in the music it felt like one of those horror video games were you really have no idea what is coming out next.

  8. What I loved most was how truly captivating the images were, without music. I hate scary things so as soon as your music came on I turned it off and yet I still had an unnerving feeling. I loved the use of rack focusing to guide the viewer's eye, and the quick pace helped provide atmosphere for the shots. Really compelling!

  9. very creepy, you captured the essence of old brice well.

  10. The whole thing was beyond scary. All of the shots looked great, and I really liked the one in particular where it zooms into the building. That shot reminded me a lot of the beginning of The Professional, where Dr. Raimist told us the director was basically saying, "come on in, let me tell you a story."

    I'm legitimately freaked out right now. Thanks a lot.
